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Districts in Tanga Region

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Tanga Municipality




Handeni District

In the Handeni District there are 9 coastal forested areas profiled. These are listed below:

In addition, there are 2 forests within the district that have no available information and are not given as forest profiles:

  • Bondo Forest 328 ha
  • Magambazi Forest 750 ha

There is one Important Bird Area found in GendaGenda North and South and Mtunguru Forest Reserves (TZ IBA 54).

Conservation Initiatives:

Key Economic and hydrological values:

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Handeni - Genda Genda North Forest Reserve

Reserve name: Genda Genda North Forest Reserve

Description: Dry lowland forest, riverine forest, scrub forest, thicket, woodland and grassland between 20 - 220m asl

Location: 5° 26’ S – 5° 26’ S; 38° 38’ E – 38° 40’ E

Closest settlements: 8km from Genda Genda, 100 km from Handeni

Area: 891 ha

More details

Threats: Bisection of reserve by Muheza railway, fires, cultivation, logging.

Conservation initiatives: Central Government Protective Reserve.

Conservation designations: Part ofHandeni District Coastal Forests IBA 54

References: Baker, N.E. and Baker, E. M. (2002). Important Bird Areas in Tanzania: A first inventory. Wildlife Conservation Society of Tanzania, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania

Clarke, G.P. and Stubblefield, L.K. (1995). Status Reports for 7 Coastal Forests in Tanga Region, Tanzania. Frontier-Tanzania Technical Report No. 16. The Society for Environmental Exploration, U.K. / The University of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania

Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund (CEPF) (2005). Eastern Arc Mountains and Coastal Forests of Tanzania and Kenya. Ecosystem Profile (updated in March 2005). (pdf)

Lovett, J.C. and Pócs, T. (1993). Assessment of the Condition of the Catchment Forest Reserves, a botanical appraisal. Catchment Forestry Report 93.3. The Catchment Forestry Project, Forestry and Beekeeping Division, DSM, Tz. 111-112

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Handeni - Genda Genda South Forest Reserve

Genda Genda - Photo: Andrew Perkin Reserve name: Genda Genda South Forest Reserve

Description: Dry lowland forest, riverine forest, scrub forest, thicket, woodland and grassland between 120 - 525m asl

Location: 5° 27’ S – 5° 30’ S; 38° 37’ E - 38° 39’ E

Closest settlements: 1 km from Genda Genda village. 20 km from Mumbwi,

90 km from Handeni,

Area: 1910 ha

More details

Threats: Historically logging with extensive damage from charcoal production and limited pole and timber extraction, fire, some encroachment for cultivation

Conservation initiatives: Central Government Protective Reserve.

Conservation designations: Part of Handeni District Coastal Forests IBA 54

References: Baker, N.E. and Baker, E. M. (2002). Important Bird Areas in Tanzania: A first inventory. Wildlife Conservation Society of Tanzania, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania

Clarke, G.P. and Stubblefield, L.K. (1995). Status Reports for 7 Coastal Forests in Tanga Region, Tanzania. Frontier-Tanzania Technical Report No. 16. The Society for Environmental Exploration, U.K. / The University of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania

Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund (CEPF) (2005). Eastern Arc Mountains and Coastal Forests of Tanzania and Kenya. Ecosystem Profile (updated in March 2005). (pdf)

Hawthorne , W.D. (1984). Ecological and biogeographical patterns in the Coastal Forests of East Africa. Unpublished PhD thesis, University of Oxford.

Lovett, J.C. and Pócs, T. (1993). Assessment of the Condition of the Catchment Forest Reserves, a botanical appraisal. Catchment Forestry Report 93.3. The Catchment Forestry Project, Forestry and Beekeeping Division, DSM, Tz. 113-114

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Handeni - Handeni Hill Forest Reserve

Reserve name: Handeni Hill Forest Reserve

Description: Woodland on the SW, W, and NW slopes; dry deciduous and evergreen lowland forest on the wetter NE, E, S and SE slopes between 790 - 1040m asl.

Location: 5° 27’ S; 38° 3’ E

Closest settlements: 2 km from Handeni

Area: 677 ha

More details

Threats: Deforestation and degradation on town side of reserve; logging on large scale for building poles (Brachylaena hiullensis); fire

Conservation initiatives: Central Government Protective Reserve.

Conservation designations:

References: Lovett, J.C. and Pócs, T. (1993). Assessment of the Condition of the Ca tchment Forest Reserves, a botanical appraisal. Catchment Forestry Report 93.3. The Catchment Forestry Project, Forestry and Beekeeping Division, DSM, Tz. 115-116

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Handeni - Kwasumba Forest Reserve

Reserve name: Kwasumba Forest Reserve

Description: Dry scrub forest between 580 - 640 m asl

Location: 5° 39’ S; 38° 03’ E

Closest settlements: Unknown

Area: 2933 ha

More details

Threats: Timber extractions, pole cutting, fires

Conservation initiatives:

Conservation designations:

References: Burgess, N. (2004). Coastal Forest sites table, May 2004. Document prepared for WWF East African Coastal Forest Ecoregion Programme, Nairobi, Kenya.

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Handeni - Mbuzini

Reserve name: Mbuzini

Description: Dry scrub forest

Location: 5° 38’ S; 38° 00’ E

Closest settlements: Unknown

Area: Unknown but 50 ha of forest remain

More details

Threats: Agriculture, charcoal, fire

Conservation initiatives: Public lands, no protection

Conservation designations:

References: Burgess, N. (2004). Coastal Forest sites table, May 2004. Document prepared for WWF East African Coastal Forest Ecoregion Programme, Nairobi, Kenya.

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Handeni - Mgambo

Reserve name: Mgambo

Description: Dry Scrub forest at 300 m asl

Location: 5° 32’ S; 38° 38’ E

Closest settlements: Unknown

Area: 2000 ha

More details

Threats: Agriculture, charcoal, fire

Conservation initiatives: Public lands, no protection

Conservation designations:

References: Burgess, N. (2004). Coastal Forest sites table, May 2004. Document prepared for WWF East African Coastal Forest Ecoregion Programme, Nairobi, Kenya.

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Handeni - Mkongo Catchment Forest Reserve

Reserve name: Mkongo Catchment Forest Reserve

Description: Woodland with some groundwater forest between 870 - 1130m asl

Location: 5° 27’ S - 5° 29’ S; 37° 33’ E

Closest settlements: 62 km from Handeni, 3 km from Kwediboma

Area: 985 ha

More details

Threats: Cutting, fires

Conservation initiatives: Central Government Protective Reserve

Conservation designations:

References: Burgess, N. (2004). Coastal Forest sites table, May 2004. Document prepared for WWF East African Coastal Forest Ecoregion Programme, Nairobi, Kenya.

Lovett, J.C. and Pócs, T. (1993). Assessment of the Condition of the Catchment Forest Reserves, a botanical appraisal. Catchment Forestry Report 93.3. The Catchment Forestry Project, Forestry and Beekeeping Division, DSM, Tz. 123-124

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Handeni - Mkuli Catchment Forest Reserve

Reserve name: Mkuli Catchment Forest Reserve

Description: Brachystegia woodland and dry submontane forest between 780 – 1260 m asl

Location: 5° 47’ S; 37° 28’ E

Closest settlements: Neighbouring villages: Tamota and Vyadigwa

Area: 2931 ha

More details

Threats: Logging with fire in the woodlands

Conservation initiatives: Central Government Protective Reserve

Conservation designations:

References: Burgess, N. (2004). Coastal Forest sites table, May 2004. Document prepared for WWF East African Coastal Forest Ecoregion Programme, Nairobi, Kenya.

Lovett, J.C. and Pócs, T. (1993). Assessment of the Condition of the Cacthment Forest Reserves, a botanical appraisal. Catchment Forestry Report 93.3. The Catchment Forestry Project, Forestry and Beekeeping Division, DSM, Tz. 125-126

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Handeni - Mtunguru Forest Reserve

Reserve name: Mtunguru Forest Reserve

Description: Dry woodland and scrub between 580 – 760 m asl

Location: 5° 36’ S; 38° 05’ E

Closest settlements: Neighbouring villages: Handeni and Mkata

Area: 2305 ha

More details

Threats: Logging

Conservation initiatives: District Authority Forest Reserve

Conservation designations: Part of Handeni District Coastal Forests IBA 54

References: Baker, N.E. and Baker, E. M. (2002). Important Bird Areas in Tanzania: A first inventory. Wildlife Conservation Society of Tanzania, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania

Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund (CEPF) (2005). Eastern Arc Mountains and Coastal Forests of Tanzania and Kenya. Ecosystem Profile (updated in March 2005). (pdf)

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Korogwe District

In Korogwe District there are 2 coastal forested areas profiled. These are listed below:

There are no Important Bird Areas found in this district.

Conservation Initiatives: The East Usambara Conservation Area Management Programme (1990-2002), implemented by Forestry and Beekeeping Division of the Ministry of Natural Resource and Tourism, Tanzania with support from the Government of Finland, worked in selected forest reserves to protect their water source and biodiversity values.

Key Economic and hydrological values: The East Usambaras are the major water catchment area for the Sigi River providing over 200,000 people with their water supply.

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Korogwe - Bombo West Forest Reserve

Reserve name: Bombo West Forest Reserve

Description: Woodland and thicket between 380 – 680 m asl

Location: 4° 47’ S - 4° 52’ S; 38° 39’ E - 38° 43’ E

Closest settlements: 6 km from Mashewa

Area: 3523 ha

More details

Threats: Logging, grazing, fuelwood collection

Conservation initiatives: Central Government Protective Reserve

Conservation designations:

References: Lovett, J.C. and Pócs, T. (1993). Assessment of the Condition of the Catchment Forest Reserves, a botanical appraisal. Catchment Forestry Report 93.3. The Catchment Forestry Project, Forestry and Beekeeping Division, DSM, Tz. 135-136

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Korogwe - Mafi Hill Forest Reserve

Reserve name: Mafi Hill Forest Reserve

Description: Dry secondary thicket, woodland and dry lowland forest between 600 – 1480 m asl

Location: 4° 53’ S - 4° 57’ S; 38° 06’ E - 38° 11’ E

Closest settlements: 14 km from Mazinde; 20 km from Mombo

Area: 4508 ha

More details

Threats: Pole cutting, hunting hyrax

Conservation initiatives: Central Government Protective Reserve. Joint forest management has been established in this reserve with support from the NORAD financed Catchment Forest Project.

Conservation designations:

References: Lovett, J.C. and Pócs, T. (1993). Assessment of the Condition of the Catchment Forest Reserves, a botanical appraisal. Catchment Forestry Report 93.3. The Catchment Forestry Project, Forestry and Beekeeping Division, DSM, Tz. 141-142

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Muheza District

In the Muheza District there are 16 coastal forested areas. Many of these are lowland Eastern Arc forests, which have a small proportion of coastal forest within the reserve. These are listed below:

In addition, there are 2 forests within the district that have no available information and are not given as forest profiles:

  • Bassi Forest 1197 ha cleared for exotics
  • Gombero Forest 2399 ha cleared for agriculture

There is two Important Bird Areas found in the Muheza Coastal Forests. The first includes Kilulu Hill Forest, Kwani Forest Reserve, Pangani Falls Forest and Tongwe Forest Reserve (TZ IBA 55). The second includes some of the lowland Usambara forests including Manga, Kambai, Seboma, Bamba Ridge and Longuza Forest Reserves (TZ IBA 70).

Conservation Initiatives: The East Usambara Conservation Area Management Programme (1990-2002), implemented by Forestry and Beekeeping Division of the Ministry of Natural Resource and Tourism, Tanzania with support from the Government of Finland, worked in selected forest reserve to protect their water source and biodiversity values. Since 1993, the Tanzania Forest Conservation Group have supported community based forest conservation around Kambai and more recently around Manga, Semdoe, Segoma and Longuza.

Key Economic and hydrological values: The East Usambaras are the major water catchment area for the Sigi River providing over 200,000 people with their water supply.

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Muheza - Bamba Ridge

Reserve name: Bamba Ridge

Description: Lowland and submontane forest between 150 – 1033 m asl.

Location: 38o47’E 4o58’S

Closest settlements: Segoma Village

Area: 1131 ha

More details

Threats: Fire, logging.

Conservation initiatives: Central Government Protective Reserve

Conservation designations: Important Bird Area

References: Frontier Tanzania, 1996. Bamba Ridge Forest Reserve: a biodiversity survey. East Usambara Conservation Area Management Programme Technical Paper No. 31. Frontier Tanzania; Forestry and Beekeeping Division, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania and Indufor / Metsähallitus Group, Vantaa, Finland. 88pp

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Muheza - Bombo East I Forest Reserve

Reserve name: Bombo East I Forest Reserve

Description: Degraded lowland forest between 220 – 620 m asl

Location: 4° 48’ S - 4° 50’ S; 38° 42’ E - 38° 43’ E

Closest settlements: Neighbouring villages: Makorokoro, Nnazi Moja and Bombo Maji Moto

Area: 448 ha

More details

Threats: Fire, logging

Conservation initiatives: Central Government Protective Reserve

Conservation designations:

References: Frontier Tanzania (2002). Staddon, S., Fanning, E and Howell, K.M. (eds.) (2002). Bombo East I Forest Reserve:a biodiversity survey. East Usambara Conservation Area Management Programme Technical Paper No. 57. Frontier Tanzania; Forestry and Beekeeping Division, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania and Indufor / Metsähallitus Group, Vantaa, Finland. 95pp

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Muheza - Bombo East II Forest Reserve

Reserve name: Bombo East II Forest Reserve

Description: Degraded lowland forest between 440 – 840 m asl

Location: 4° 43’ S - 4° 49’ S; 38° 39’ E - 38° 41’ E

Closest settlements: Neighbouring villages: Makorokoro, Nnazi Moja and Bombo Maji Moto

Area: 404 ha

More details

Threats: Fire, logging

Conservation initiatives: Central Government Protective Reserve

Conservation designations:

References: Frontier Tanzania (2002). Staddon, S., Fanning, E and Howell, K.M. (eds.) (2002). Bombo East II Forest Reserve:a biodiversity survey. East Usambara Conservation Area Management Programme Technical Paper No. 58. Frontier Tanzania; Forestry and Beekeeping Division, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania and Indufor / Metsähallitus Group, Vantaa, Finland. 88pp

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Muheza - Kilulu Hill Forest Reserve

Kilulu - Photo: Andrew Perkin Reserve name: Kilulu Hill Forest

Description: Dry forest and thicket between 200 - 267 m asl

Location: 4° 46’ S; 39° 07’ E

Closest settlements: 0.5 km from Kilulu village

Area: 160 ha

More details

Threats: Historically intensive logging. Fuelwood collection, hunting, cultivation, fire, wood for carvings

Conservation initiatives: Proposed Forest Reserve

Conservation designations: Part of Muheza District Coastal Forests IBA 55

References: Baker, N.E. and Baker, E. M. (2002). Important Bird Areas in Tanzania: A first inventory. Wildlife Conservation Society of Tanzania, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania

Clarke, G.P. and Stubblefield, L.K. (1995). Status Reports for 7 Coastal Forests in Tanga Region, Tanzania. Frontier-Tanzania Technical Report No. 16. The Society for Environmental Exploration, U.K. / The University of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania

Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund (CEPF) (2005). Eastern Arc Mountains and Coastal Forests of Tanzania and Kenya. Ecosystem Profile (updated in March 2005). (pdf)

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Muheza - Kambai Forest Reserve

Reserve name: Kambai Forest Reserve

Description: Lowland forest, bushland and cultivation between 200 – 870 m asl

Location: 5° 00’ S; 38° 42’ E

Closest settlements:

Area: 1046.3 ha

More details

Threats: pole and timber cutting

Conservation initiatives: National Forest Reserve?

Conservation designations:

References: Cunneyworth, P. (1996). Kambai Forest Reserve: a biodiversity survey. East Usambara Conservation Area Management Programme Technical Paper No. 35. Frontier Tanzania; Forestry and Beekeeping Division, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania and Indufor / Metsähallitus Group, Vantaa, Finland. 107pp

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Muheza - Kwamarimba Forest Reserve

Reserve name: Kwamarimba Forest Reserve

Description: Dry lowland forest and evergreen lowland forest between 95 – 445 m asl

Location: 5° 02’ S; 38° 45’ E

Closest settlements:

Area: 887.4 ha

More details

Threats: fire, pitsawing, hunting

Conservation initiatives: National Forest Reserve?

Conservation designations:

References: Cunneyworth, P. (1996). Kwamarimba Forest Reserve: a biodiversity survey. East Usambara Conservation Area Management Programme Technical Paper No. 33. Frontier Tanzania; Forestry and Beekeeping Division, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania and Indufor / Metsähallitus Group, Vantaa, Finland. 104pp

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Muheza - Kwamgumi Forest Reserve

Kwamgumi - Photo: Nike Dogcart Reserve name: Kwamgumi Forest Reserve

Description: Lowland forest, submontane forest and cultivation between 150 – 915 m asl

Location: 4° 55’ S - 4° 57’ S; 38° 44’ E -; 38° 47’ E

Closest settlements: Kwamtili village

Area: 1128.8 ha

More details

Threats: Pole cutting, fire, trapping

Conservation initiatives: National Forest Reserve?

Conservation designations:

References: Doggart, N., Dilger, M.S., Cunneyworth, P. and Fanning, E. (1999). Kwamgumi Forest Reserve: a biodiversity survey. East Usambara Conservation Area

Management Programme Technical Paper No. 40. Frontier Tanzania; Forestry and Beekeeping Division, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania and Indufor / Metsähallitus Group, Vantaa, Finland. 90pp

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Muheza - Kwani Forest Reserve

Reserve name: Kwani Forest Reserve (near to Pangani Falls forest)

Description: Small part of hill top evergreen forest, woodland and grassland between 0 - 200 m asl

Location: 5° 21’ S; 38° 41’ E

Closest settlements:

Area: 2545 ha

More details

Threats: Fire

Conservation initiatives: Part of JFM, now well protected

Conservation designations: Part of Muheza District Coastal Forests IBA 55

References: Baker, N.E. and Baker, E. M. (2002). Important Bird Areas in Tanzania: A first inventory. Wildlife Conservation Society of Tanzania, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania

Burgess, N. (2004). Coastal Forest sites table, May 2004. Document prepared for WWF East African Coastal Forest Ecoregion Programme, Nairobi, Kenya.

Clarke, G.P. and Stubblefield, L.K. (1995). Status Reports for 7 Coastal Forests in Tanga Region, Tanzania. Frontier-Tanzania Technical Report No. 16. The Society for Environmental Exploration, U.K. / The University of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania

Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund (CEPF) (2005). Eastern Arc Mountains and Coastal Forests of Tanzania and Kenya. Ecosystem Profile (updated in March 2005). (pdf)

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Muheza - Longuza Forest Reserve

Reserve name: Longuza Forest Reserve

Description: Teak plantation, lowland forest, woodland, thicket, cultivation and settlement at 95 – 345 m asl

Location: 5° 02’ S; 38° 41’ E

Closest settlements:

Area: 1579.9 ha

More details

Threats: Pole cutting, logging, fire

Conservation initiatives: National Forest Reserve

Conservation designations:

References: Cunneyworth, P. (1996). Longuza (North)Forest Reserve: a biodiversity survey. East Usambara Conservation Area Management Programme Technical Paper No. 34. Frontier Tanzania; Forestry and Beekeeping Division, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania and Indufor / Metsähallitus Group, Vantaa, Finland. 72pp

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Muheza - Manga Forest Reserve

Reserve name: Manga Forest Reserve

Description: Lowland forest between 120 – 360 m asl

Location: 5° 00’ S - 5° 02’ S; 38° 45’ E - 38° 47’ E

Closest settlements: Neighbouring villages: Mkwajuni, Misozwe, Kwatango and Segoma

Area: 1635 ha

More details

Threats: Cultivation, pole and timber cutting, fire

Conservation initiatives: Central Government Protective Reserve

Conservation designations:

References: Doggart, N., Joseph, L., Bayliss, J. and Fanning, E. (1999). Manga Forest Reserve: a biodiversity survey. East Usambara Conservation Area Management Programme Technical Paper No. 41. Forestry and Beekeeping Division, Finnish Forest and Park Service and the Society for Environmental Exploration, Dar es Salaam, Vantaa and London. 92pp.

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Muheza - Mgambo Forest Reserve

Reserve name: Mgambo Forest Reserve

Description: Forest and cultivation between 320 – 820 m asl

Location: 4° 44’ S - 4° 47’ S; 38° 47’ E - 38° 49’ E

Closest settlements: Neighbouring villages: Bwiti, Kwajanga, Mgambo, Kibaoni and Daluni

Area: 1346 ha

More details

Threats: Cultivation, fire, pit sawing, pole cutting

Conservation initiatives: Central Government Protective Reserve

Conservation designations:

References: Frontier Tanzania (2002). Oliver, S.A., Bracebridge, C.E., Fanning, E. and Howell, K.M. (eds.) (2002). Mgambo Forest Reserve: a biodiversity survey. East Usambara Conservation Area Management Programme Technical Paper No. 59. Frontier Tanzania; Forestry and Beekeeping Division, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania and Indufor / Metsähallitus Group, Vantaa, Finland. 99pp

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Muheza - Mlinga Forest Reserve

Reserve name: Mlinga Forest Reserve

Description: Lowland forest and submontane forest with cultivation between 220 – 1069 m asl

Location: 5° 04’ S - 5° 05’ S; 38° 44’ E - 38° 46’ E

Closest settlements: Neighbouring villages: Misozwe, Magula and Mwembeni

Area: 890 ha

More details

Threats: Cultivation, fire, pit sawing, pole cutting

Conservation initiatives: Central Government Protective Reserve

Conservation designations:

References: Frontier Tanzania (2002). Hall, S.M., Fanning, E., Howell, K.M. and Pohjonen, V (eds.) (2002). Mlinga Forest Reserve: a biodiversity survey. East Usambara Conservation Area Management Programme Technical Paper No. 56. Frontier Tanzania; Forestry and Beekeeping Division, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania and Indufor / Metsähallitus Group, Vantaa, Finland. 110pp

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Muheza - Mlungui Forest Reserve

Reserve name: Mlungui Proposed Forest Reserve

Description: Forest and cultivation between 220 – 480 m asl

Location: 5° 00’ S; 38° 42’ E

Closest settlements:

Area: 200 ha

More details

Threats: Pole cutting

Conservation initiatives:

Conservation designations:

References: Cunneyworth, P and Stubblefield, L (eds.) (1996). Mlungui Proposed Forest Reserve: a biodiversity survey. East Usambara Conservation Area Management Programme Technical Paper No. 32. Frontier Tanzania; Forestry and Beekeeping Division, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania and Indufor / Metsähallitus Group, Vantaa, Finland. 72pp

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Muheza - Pangani Falls Forest

Reserve name: Pangani Falls Forest

Description: Dry evergreen forest and riverine forest between 20 - 160 m asl

Location: 5° 20’ S - 5° 21’ S; 38° 39’ E - 38° 40’ E

Closest settlements: 2 km W of Bwitini Darajani village 5 km SE from Hale town

Area: 100 ha

More details

Threats: Expansion of hydroelectric dam at Pangani Falls, agriculture, fire, some pole cutting, wood for carvings

Conservation initiatives: Government land with no formal protection

Conservation designations: Part of Muheza District Coastal Forests IBA 55

References: Baker, N.E. and Baker, E. M. (2002). Important Bird Areas in Tanzania: A first inventory. Wildlife Conservation Society of Tanzania, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania

Burgess, N. (2004). Coastal Forest sites table, May 2004. Document prepared for WWF East African Coastal Forest Ecoregion Programme, Nairobi, Kenya.

Clarke, G.P. and Stubblefield, L.K. (1995). Status Reports for 7 Coastal Forests in Tanga Region, Tanzania. Frontier-Tanzania Technical Report No. 16. The Society for Environmental Exploration, U.K. / The University of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania

Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund (CEPF) (2005). Eastern Arc Mountains and Coastal Forests of Tanzania and Kenya. Ecosystem Profile (updated in March 2005). (pdf)

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Muheza - Segoma Forest Reserve

Reserve name: Segoma Forest Reserve

Description: Lowland forest and submontane forest with cultivation between 80 – 920 m asl

Location: 4° 57’ S - 5° 01’ S; 38° 43’ E - 38° 47’ E

Closest settlements: Segoma village

Area: 1168.2 ha (with proposed extension 1933.8 ha)

More details

Threats: Cultivation, fire, pit sawing

Conservation initiatives: Central Government Protective Reserve

Conservation designations:

References: Doody, K.Z., Howell, K.M. and Fanning, E.F. (eds.) (2001). Segoma Forest Reserve: a biodiversity survey. East Usambara Conservation Area Management Programme Technical Paper No. 50. Forestry and Beekeeping Division, Finnish Forest and Park Service and the Society for Environmental Exploration, Dar es Salaam, Vantaa and London. 90pp.

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Muheza - Tongwe Forest Reserve

Reserve name: Tongwe Forest Reserve

Description: Lowland forest, woodland and grassland between 220 - 648 m asl

Location: 5° 17’ S - 5° 19’ S; 38° 43’ E - 38° 45’ E

Closest settlements: 2 km from Kwabada village

Area: 1202 ha

More details

Threats: Logging, cultivation, fire, charcoal, wood for carvings, salt

Conservation initiatives: Central Government Protective Reserve. To be joined with Kwani FR proposal

Conservation designations: Part of Muheza District Coastal Forests IBA 55

References: Baker, N.E. and Baker, E. M. (2002). Important Bird Areas in Tanzania: A first inventory. Wildlife Conservation Society of Tanzania, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania

Burgess, N. (2004). Coastal Forest sites table, May 2004. Document prepared for WWF East African Coastal Forest Ecoregion Programme, Nairobi, Kenya.

Clarke, G.P. and Stubblefield, L.K. (1995). Status Reports for 7 Coastal Forests in Tanga Region, Tanzania. Frontier-Tanzania Technical Report No. 16. The Society for Environmental Exploration, U.K. / The University of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania

Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund (CEPF) (2005). Eastern Arc Mountains and Coastal Forests of Tanzania and Kenya. Ecosystem Profile (updated in March 2005). (pdf)

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Pangani District

In the Pangani District there are 3 coastal forested areas profiled. These are listed below:

There is one Important Bird Area found in Msumbugwe Forest Reserve (TZ IBA 56).

Conservation Initiatives:

Key Economic and hydrological values:

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Pangani - Garafuno Forest Reserve

Reserve name: Garafuno Forest Reserve (now incorporated into Msumbugwe FR) (shared with Handeni District)



Closest settlements:

Area: 195 ha

More details


Conservation initiatives:

Conservation designations:

References: Baker, N.E. and Baker, E. M. (2002). Important Bird Areas in Tanzania: A first inventory. Wildlife Conservation Society of Tanzania, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania

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Pangani - Msumbugwe Forest Reserve

Msumbugwe - Photo: Andrew Perkin Reserve name: Msumbugwe Forest Reserve

Description: Dry forest, grassland and thicket between 80 - 120 m asl

Location: 5 5 27’ S - 5° 34’ S; 38° 43’ E – 38° 48’ E

Closest settlements: 5 km from Mtango village

Area: 4407 ha

More details

Threats: Logging, hunting, fires, fuelwood collection

Msumbugwe - Photo: Andrew Perkin Conservation initiatives: Central Government Protective Reserve. Proposed to join to Saadani National Park as a migratory corridor by WWF

Conservation designations: Part of Pangani District Coastal Forests IBA 56

References: Baker, N.E. and Baker, E. M. (2002). Important Bird Areas in Tanzania: A first inventory. Wildlife Conservation Society of Tanzania, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania

Burgess, N. (2004). Coastal Forest sites table, May 2004. Document prepared for WWF East African Coastal Forest Ecoregion Programme, Nairobi, Kenya.

Clarke, G.P. and Stubblefield, L.K. (1995). Status Reports for 7 Coastal Forests in Tanga Region, Tanzania. Frontier-Tanzania Technical Report No. 16. The Society for Environmental Exploration, U.K. / The University of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania

Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund (CEPF) (2005). Eastern Arc Mountains and Coastal Forests of Tanzania and Kenya. Ecosystem Profile (updated in March 2005). (pdf)

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Tanga Municipality

In the Tanga Municipality there is one coastal forested area profiled. This is:

Mkulumuzi Forest is a part of Important Bird Area 55.

In addition, there is one forest within the district that has no available information and is not given as a forest profile:

  • Jasini Forest 117 ha productive

Conservation Initiatives:

Key Economic and hydrological values:

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Tanga - Mkulumuzi (including Amboni caves) Forest

Reserve name: Mkulumuzi (including Amboni caves) Forest

Description: Dry coastal forest, riverine forest, coastal scrub and thicket between 0 - 80 m asl

Location: 5° 04’ S - 5° 06’ S; 39° 00’ E – 39° 03’ E

Closest settlements: Neighbouring villages: Kiomoni and Amboni

Area: 350 ha

More details

Threats: Charcoal production, firewood removal, pole cutting, agriculture, pitsawing, limestone quarrying

Conservation initiatives: Government land under Central Government Control (Department of Antiquities) (Caves Conservation area) and under Municipal control (other areas)

Conservation designations: Amboni Caves Conservation Area (1954). Part of Muheza District Coastal Forests IBA 55

References: Baker, N.E. and Baker, E. M. (2002). Important Bird Areas in Tanzania: A first inventory. Wildlife Conservation Society of Tanzania, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania

Clarke, G.P. and Stubblefield, L.K. (1995). Status Reports for 7 Coastal Forests in Tanga Region, Tanzania. Frontier-Tanzania Technical Report No. 16. The Society for Environmental Exploration, U.K. / The University of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania

Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund (CEPF) (2005). Eastern Arc Mountains and Coastal Forests of Tanzania and Kenya. Ecosystem Profile (updated in March 2005). (pdf)

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